He came for you


As a girl, perhaps you experienced waiting for your dad or mom to come and pick you up at school or after an event. You anxiously watched for their car, sighing with relief when you saw them pull in the driveway. There was a comfort and security in knowing they would come for you; you could depend on your parent.

Or, perhaps you didn’t have that experience. Maybe someone forgot to come, and you became fretful and scared, wondering what you would do (especially before cell phones!). That happened to me once, and I had to walk home wondering why my mom hadn’t come. Maybe there was disappointment because there was no one to come for you. It’s frightful to be a child in that situation.

The thing that most impresses me about Christmas is not Mary and Joseph, or the angels, or the wise men, or the shepherds. Rather, it’s that God cared enough about me to come for me. When I was standing on the corner, distressed and hopeless about life, He pulled up and offered me a ride. He didn’t give me a bus ticket or said to figure it out for myself — He came, in person, to make sure I had a way home.

No more waiting — He’s here. May you have a blessed Christmas season!